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Danielle Fleming, Ph. D.

Education and Professional Credentials

Ph. D. Special Education, University of California, Berkeley/San Francisco State University (2019)


M. A. Education of Exceptional Children, San Francisco State University (recipient of the Distinguished Graduate Achievement Award, 2012)


B. A. English, University of California, Berkeley (2004)


California Education Specialist Credential: Moderate/Severe Disabilities

Maryland: Generic Special Education, R3, grades 1-8


For publications follow links below.

Professional Development Facilitator


Maryland Coalition for Inclusive Education (MCIE)

  • Created research-based materials for the education of teachers including modules on: response to intervention (RTI) models, writing interventions, early math and literacy skills, positive behavior support, multi-tiered systems of support, disability specific modules, modifications and adaptations, and roles and responsibilities for educational teams

  • Coached teachers on implementing the Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction (SDLMI) in partnership with the University of Kansas 

  • Served as the SDLMI project fidelity coordinator

School Site Coordinator, IES Grant #R324A150021


San Francisco State University (SFSU)

  • Assisted in developing materials for assessment (link) of reading skills for children with complex support needs from grades K-4

  • Coordinated school schedules and activities for teachers, study participants , and my research assistant

  • Co-authored 2 papers investigating the efficacy and social validity of the Early Literacy Skills Builder in inclusive classrooms in a randomized trial experiment with 80 students with complex support needs across 3 states

Program Evaluator, OSERS/OSEP Grant #H326T130031

  • Reviewed and approved syllabi submitted by CDBS and SFSU faculty for a series of specialized courses focused on training teachers in deaf-blindness

  • Wrote an annual report regarding students' performance and interactions with deaf-blind clients

California Deaf-Blind Services (CDBS) and (SFSU)


Teacher on Special Assignment 

Hayward Unified School District

  • Provided mentoring and induction support for new teachers through the BTSA program

  • Developed materials collaboratively with teachers to pursue instructional rigor, maintain compliance, and support inclusion.


Special Education Teacher 


Hayward and Oakland Unified School Districts

  • Used techniques of Universal Design for Learning to include students on my caseload.

  • Received the Mid-Alameda County SELPA Excellence in Special Education Teaching Award

  • Created effective behavior plans and IEPs that reflect high expectations for all students

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